# Commands

Published 2025-02-13

# essentials reload

This command allows you to restart the language and configuration files.

/essentials <reload>

# clearchat

This command clears the server chat.


# craft

This command opens a crafting table.


# spawn

This command teleports to the spawn point.


# setspawn

This command creates the spawn point.


# day

This command allows you to set the time on the days in the world.


# night

This command sets the time to night in the world.


# sun

This command removes rain and thunderstorms from the world.


# rain

This command will bring rain to the world.


# thunder

This command allows you to put rain and storms in the world.


# gmc

This command puts the player into creative gamemode.


# gms

This command puts the player into survival gamemode.


# money

This command is used to see your money.


# economy

This command is used to give/withdraw money from a player.

/economy <give/take> <player> <amount>
/eco <give/take> <player> <amount>

# repair

This command is used to repair the item currently carried by the player.


# sethome

This command is used to set a teleport point.

/sethome <name>

# home

This command is used to teleport to a defined teleport point.

/home <name>

# homes

This command allows you to receive the list of all your homes.
